Friday, April 14, 2006

Friday Cat Blogging: Luck Is On Your Side Or Something Edition

Audrey acquired a creature by accident.

Sadie is her name. She's a runt, but she's star material. A friend found her on his engine block...she was 3 weeks old.

Sadie has no face except for her eyes and eyebrows. So she has 3 expressions: awe, surprise and outrage. She always seems to be saying, "ARE YOU AWARE that (the food bowl is empty; there is a bird in MY garden; you are not cuddling me right NOW)?"

I am now concerned there might be unnoticed kittens on my engine block. With eyebrows. And what does one do about that?

It is my usual practice to put breakfast into the oven before I exercise, then turn off the gas before I get into the shower. After my shower this morning, I was turning the nozzle on a bottle of hair goo when I thought, 'I forgot to turn off the oven.' Then the contents of the bottle spilled over my head. Instead of opening the tip, I'd twisted off the top completely. So I knew I shouldn't be trusted with the life or death struggles of kittens and engine blocks.


Blogger ANGEL ABBYGRACE said...

I'd say Sadie was very lucky!
Can you park in a garage?

11:57 AM  
Blogger Tata said...

No. I am garage-free.

1:38 PM  

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